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Upcoming webinars, pop ups and events

This educational webinar series is conducted by a group professional clinical herbalists pertaining to botanical medicine and plant based healing. 


Missed one of our webinars? You are in luck! We offer them here 


Pop up chat (1 hour)

Free for all! Our gift to you- simply register :)

All pop up recordings are featured on herbalists and herbs you tube channel


Webinars (2 hours)

$15.00 per person registration fee, including a recording sent to all participants. 




Holistic (pop up)

Monday, June 29, 7-8pm

Registered Herbalists: Victor, Penny, Abrah and Marianne.


Pop up Description:

What do we Mean When we use the Word ‘Holistic’? Herbal medicine is often called a ‘holistic’ method of healthcare. But what does treating a person holistically actually entail? The word holism implies an intimate interconnection between parts and between personas. The holistic treatment of the human being often must take place level by level, with a detailed understanding of the interactions of the “parts” and “personas” that make up the human being in his or her wholeness. As Richard Grossinger, writing on the philosophy of holistic treatment, explains, “because these levels are actually interpenetrating fields – oscillating flows of biomorphic and psychic “energy” – medicines and meanings introduced into one will be transmitted to all.” The personal, social, and ecological implications of the holistic view of health will be elaborated in detail. 



Herbs & the Elements (pop up)



Wednesday, August 5, 7-8pm

Registered Herbalists: Tamara, Abrah and Victor.


Pop up Description:

We can understand more about the therapeutic properties of herbs by examining the characteristics of the elements that they embody (earth, air, fire & water).  A simple example is that cayenne pepper and other chile peppers have a strong force of the fire element within them.  In this webinar, we'll give a few examples of herbs that have the characteristics of each element, discussing the reasons why we associate them with a particular element.






Building Immunity  (webinar)



September 7, 7-9pm

Registered Herbalists: Tamara, Penny, Victor, Abrah and Marianne.


Webinar Description:

All the diseases and chronic health conditions we fear---bacterial and viral infections to auto-immune issues to cancers---can be prevented or managed much more easily with a strong, resilient immune system.  In this webinar, we'll delve into various aspects of a herbalist's perspective on building immunity over time.  Many simple practices and easily accessible herbs can offer us support.  Join our group of herbalists to hear their suggestions around the best ways to stay protected, healthy and strong.





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Addressing Anxiety   (webinar)



December 2, 7-9pm

Registered Herbalists: Tamara, Penny, Victor, Abrah and Marianne.


Webinar Description:

Experienced health care professionals can tell you that anxiety levels have been increasing in amount and severity among the general population.  Many of us have experienced anxiety at some point in our lives, with or without a logical reason, and we also likely know someone close to us who has suffered from it as well.  In this webinar, our panel experienced herbalists discusses ideas around the physical, mental/emotional and environmental factors involved in anxiety, and gentle holistic ways herbalists offer herbal medicine support an increase in self-esteem, ease depression and calm the mind/body. 




The Rose (pop up)

Wednesday, July 15, 7- 8 pm

Registered Herbalists: Penny and Abrah and Marianne.


Pop up Description:

Gracing gardens throughout the ages, the rose is most definitely one of the most popular flowers of all times.  Most gardeners have grown roses for their stunning beauty and scent, but there is another side to the rose, something deeper.  Come join us to learn the traditional herbal uses of the rose.  We will also touch on the history and folklore of this amazing flower.




The Medicine and Lore of Goldenrod (pop up)



Wednesday, August 19, 7-8pm

Registered Herbalists: Tamara and Penny.


Pop up Description:

As the landscape becomes draped with the yellow/orange hues of this majestic wild flowering plant, here is a chance to listen to a few herbalists discuss the medicine, history, magic and lore of goldenrod.   There is much to say about this herb whose offerings are abundant and generous.  






Herbal Allies and Releasing Trauma (webinar)



October 7, 7-9pm

Registered Herbalists: Tamara, Penny, Victor, Abrah and Marianne.


Pop up Description:

The ancient curse “May You Live In Interesting Times“ certainly speaks to the present moment we are all living through right now. These times have been traumatic for many people. As well as the uncertainty and isolation have triggered past trauma for many individuals. Herbalist have many tools to support the healing of trauma. Join us for this webinar as you learn about the different ways we manifest the effects of trauma in our lives and how herbalists can lend a helping hand during your healing.





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How Herbal Medicine Supports Chronic Illness  (webinar)



January 6, 7-9pm

Registered Herbalists: Tamara, Penny, Victor, Abrah and Marianne.


Webinar Description:

Historically herbalists were called to the bedside when an acute illness challenged the body. Today’s herbalists are trained in supporting individuals overcome chronic illness and all its complications. During this webinar 6 herbalists will discuss the many ways herbal medicine can not only help ease the symptoms of chronic illnesses such as pain and fatigue, but also explore ways in which herbalists can offer herbs to overcome chronic health challenges.





Plants as Teachers (pop up)

Wednesday, July 22, 7-8 pm 

 Registered Herbalists: Tamara, Abrah, Penny and Victor


Pop up Description:

Herbalism is a lifelong study that often involves many teachers.  Throughout history and still to this day, many herbalists have learned important lessons about plant medicine not just from human teachers, but from the plants themselves.  The teachings of the plants are often profound and resonant, deeply informing an herbalist's path and practice.  This is a chance to hear a few stories about particular lessons learned from particular plants, shared by herbalists who have been working up close with the plants for many years.





Love Your Liver (webinar)



November 4, 7-9pm

Registered Herbalists: Tamara, Penny, Victor, Abrah and Marianne.


Pop up Description:

Herbalists will always consider the wellness of your liver when offering a herbal protocol no matter the condition you are seeking support for. Our panel will talk about why caring for your liver is important to the overall well-being of not just your physical health but also your mental health. We will look at different types of herbal medicine that strengthens and rebalances the liver’s energy as well as supports the clearance of toxins. This discussion will offer a holistic view of the liver and how its wellness influences the other major organs of the body.




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A lot Goes on At Night  (webinar)



February 3, 7-9pm

Registered Herbalists: Tamara, Penny, Victor, Abrah and Marianne.


Webinar Description:

A lot goes on at night that creates healthy daytimes. During this webinar our panel of 6 herbalists will explore the mechanisms of sleep and how herbal medicine can return circadian rhythms. We will also talk about the great healers of the night, dreams and the herbs either enhance them or quiet them down. We will also explore how herbs can ease the great disrupters of sleep: frequent trips to the bathroom, night sweats, restless legs, etc. 





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